1 YEAR!!!! My how quickly time has passed!!!
Chrissly's 1 year Birthday!!!
Chrissly at 12 months --- May 23, 2012
* Weight: 20.8 lbs. (you are in the 47th percentile for your weight)
* Length: 30.5 inches (you are in the 88th percentile for your height!!!)
* You wear Size 3 diapers
* You wear mostly 12 months clothes. However, you are wearing some 18 months clothes because you are so tall. You are a very long baby! :)
* You sleep in your play pen every night now. Although sometimes (because you are teething or not feeling well), you sleep with Mommy. She loves to cuddle with you, though sometimes you kick and punch her :)
* You eat 3 times a day. But, also snack 2 times a day. You usually eat breakfast sometimes between 7:30 - 8:30. You usually eat a cereal bar or something of that nature along with some fruit. You have a bottle of MILK (that's right, we have switched you to regular milk) as a snack around 9:30 - 10:00. Lunch is usually eaten around 11:30. Again, big people food it is!!! You don't want none of that baby stuff! ;) It's usually snack time again (aka bottle time) around 2 - 3:30 so you have another bottle. Dinner is around 5:30, and you have a bottle right at bedtime at around 7:30 - 8:30.
* You have gotten a little bit more picky about what you eat; however, you are still a good eater. Without a doubt, fruit is your favorite food! You would eat fruit, and only fruit, all day long if Mommy would let you! Foods that you don't like: Ravioli, eggs, meat sometimes.
* You have started to use a sippy cup at meal times instead of a bottle all the time. Dr. Tomlin said that we really needed to wean you off of a bottle at any time, by the time you are 18 months. Momma has that information tucked in the back of her head and continues to get you to work on drinking out of a sippy cup more and a bottle less.
* We still have you sleep in pj's that have pants, and then also put socks on you because you will kick and kick until you kick the covers right off. One night you woke up this week crying...Mommy thinks it was because you were cold. But, Mommy woke up many times and covered you up, but you kicked the covers off still. Eventually I had to just pick you up and put you in bed with me so I could make sure you stayed covered.
* You will usually sleep for 8-12 hours every night
* You usually take one nap a day. Usually right after lunch I will lay you down. You sleep for about 2 hours everytime. (Sometimes Mommy will lay down and take a nap with you too...Shhhh! Don't tell anybody!!! ;))
* Mommy had surgery on her foot on March 23, 2012. As a result, she has been home with you since then. Mommy has loved getting to spend that time with you!!!
* You love to play!!! You are not so fond of your jumperoo and walker anymore. You don't like to be tied down anywhere for too long! You want to be scootin' along! (You do not crawl! You scoot on your little bottom and can get places faster than Mommy can blink!) You love to sit on the floor and play with your other toys. Your favorites at home are your Cruise and Crawl Fisher Price Play n' Go, Ball Bounce Dino, Dunk n' Cheer Basketball goal, and your Little Einstein Stand and Play table.
* You say all kinds of things now, although Mommy can only understand some of them. Mommy is working on teaching you sign language so that you can communicate better, even before you learn to talk well.
* You wave bye bye sometimes, although you are not consistent :)
* You have started showing separation anxiety, and sometimes only want to be held by Mommy.
* You are really ticklish below your chin, on your ribs, and under your arms and Mommy can usually get you giggling non-stop when she starts tickling you there :)
Chrissly - This past year has been the best year of my life! I have never felt more loved and blessed! I believe that God puts every person on this earth for a reason, and I believe the reason I am here is to be your mom. Thank you for being the best little girl a mother could ask for! I love you with all of my being!!!!