We, my husband and I, are waiting (im)patiently to find out what we are having. We were told there was a good chance that when we went to our last appointment (on Dec. 17, 2010) we would be able to find out whether it is a boy or a girl. But, NO LUCK! So, my cousin is a sonogram tech (I don't know exactly what they are called, but that is close) and said Christmas Eve that she would love to scan me and look at the baby. My husband and I were so excited! We thought that we would be able to know at last! So we went to Houston and hoped that maybe she would be able help us out. But, the little toot inside me WOULD NOT COOPERATE!!!! Every time we tried to look in that area, (s)he would cross their legs and arms across their body so we couldn't see anything! I turned to the side and repositioned myself many times to get the baby to move. And move he did, but still would return to that same position making it impossible to find out! Little Stinker! We have another appointment in a couple of weeks (Jan. 21, 2011). Hopefully he will not evade us any longer! :)
Last night, I was laying in the recliner trying to sleep (yes, that's the only place I can sleep sometimes) thinking about the baby and how I will be 20 weeks next week! Yea!!! But then, I felt a movement in my lower stomach area! I THINK I felt the the baby move! My mom informed me that from now on it will always keep me up at night...even after it's born :) Yes, I agree...I certainly did my best to try to keep her up as much as I could at night :P Jk But, it is so exciting to feel the little life inside of me shaking its groove thing! Gabriel and I are going to make sure we sing the song to Sweet Pea before we go to sleep tonight, hoping for movement again! :)
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