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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Days Like This

To My Babies with Love,   
          Today is one of the most emotionally (and therefore physically) draining days I have had in a long time.  This past Saturday, January 10, 2014, we buried your great grandfather Art, or Gpa as I refer to him around you.  Today, however, was his Celebration of Life.  What a celebration it was!  You're Gpa was such a great man!!!  I don't think it truly hit me that he is dead until today.  Everything, his Alzheimer's, his suffering, his death...it all hit me today.  I miss my grandpa!  The man that was always whistling a happy tune.  The man who was always smiling and never knew a stranger.  The man who would walk down the hallway of his school humming and greeting everyone.  Kids, when you grow up...I need you to remember that everyone was young once.  Take the time to really learn about and enjoy your elders.  They can tell you some funny stories!!!  I got to read Gpa's autobiography this past week.  It was great!  I really wish that I had read it before his death, and before the Alzheimer's really took a hold on him.  You learn so much and realize that your elders may not be that different from you.

Three things I learned from Gpa:
1) HELP OTHERS.  GIVE.  That may mean time, money, clothes.  Whatever God calls.  Do your best to make the world a better place.  Sometimes you will be thanked.  Sometimes you won't.  But, no matter what you will make someone else's life better.  Maybe then they will pay it forward and make someone else's day or even life better.  Sometimes it may seem like this world is a bad place and it doesn't matter if you do any good because all you see is people doing bad things.  If you ever feel this way, keep pushing forward and doing good for others.  Be the sun that others can't see. 
2) STAND STRONG FOR YOUR BELIEFS.  Some people won't like you.  Some people will. It's not your job to get everyone to like you. Your job is to discover what you believe in, and then stand for that belief.  Your Gpa was worshipped by some of his former students.  However, some of his formers students hated him.  But, the one thing none of them could say is that he did not care for them and help them to learn.  Gpa stood fast to his belief that math was important and that every student could learn.  He was tough.  But, he stood by his beliefs and helped his students to find their way and see the importance in what he taught.  He also stood strong in his faith.  Growing up, when I spent the night at Gigi and Gpa's house, they would wake up every morning and eat breakfast, then read a devotional and pray.  At the time I thought it was weird.  I loved and respected my grandparents though and would follow along and participate.  Looking back, this is one of the best things they could have instilled in me (and, I hope I instill in you).  Spend time with God each day!  Take the time to talk to him and listen to what He has to say.  Then, when he speaks to you and you hear his desires...follow them and stand for whatever the outcome may be.  God may not ask you to do the popular thing.  People may look at you and judge you because they do not understand or do not like your decision; but, if you believe it is the right thing to do, then stand by your decision.  Some people will like you...some people won't.  But, as the old song says, "You gotta stand for something or you'll fall for anything."
3)  DON'T BE PRIDEFUL.  Be willing to admit when you mess up or to change when change is needed.   Proverbs 11:2 says, "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom."  It's ok to be proud of an accomplishment. But, you shouldn't boast or rub it in anyone's faces.  Gpa worked hard his entire life.  He never bragged about anything.  He received many awards.  He was admired by many people.  He was never too proud to admit if he made a mistake and never bragged about his accomplishments. 

I love you Gpa!!!!  You will be missed!!!!!

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