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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chrissly's 5 month Birthday!!!

Chrissly at 5 months --- October 23, 2011

* Weight: Not sure...did not go to the pediatrician this month
* Length: again not sure
* You wear Size 1 diapers; but we are about to switch you to size 2 diapers
* You wear mostly 3-6 months clothes. However, you are wearing some 6 months clothes too. You are wearing some sleepers during the day (the pj's with the feeties) to stay warm, and you are so long that you are wearing 6 months in those.
* You sleep best on your Boppy. You have been sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed recently because Mommy goes through withdrawals from not getting to spend a lot of time with you!!!
* You eat about every 2 hours.
* You usually eat 5-6.5 oz.
* You started eating solids this month!!!! We started you on rice cereal. You are getting much better about keeping the food in your mouth; and we are going to start feeding you vegetables along with the cereal this week.
* We have you sleep in the pj's with the feeties because you will kick and kick until you kick the covers right off; so, to make sure you stay warm we have to have you sleep in the pj's with the long sleeves and feeties.
* You will usually sleep for 8-12 hours every night
* During the day you don't take many naps. Mimi usually gets you to take 2 naps that usually last about 30 minutes. Every once in a while you will take a nap that is a couple hours long :)
* Mommy is working full time and wants to stay home with you badly!!! She misses all her cuddle time with you!!!! She dreams of the day when she can stay at home and be "Super Mom" to you~~~
* You can sit in your Bumbo now, without any help.
* You will also sit in your excersaucer and play. Mommy has to prop you up a little with a blanket or something, but recently you have gotten to where you will now play with the stuff on the sides. You like playing in your saucer and will play for about an hour before you get bored and want a change of place.
* Tuesday, October 25, 2011 was the first day that you rolled over!!! On Monday night, you rolled onto your stomach while you were sleeping and slept that way; but, Tuesday you rolled completely onto your tummy while you were playing at Mimi's.
* You are going to be a tiger for Halloween. Chloe is going to be a lion. Mommy is going to be Jane. Daddy is going to be Tarzan. We will post pictures soon!!!
* You rolled all the way over all by yourself on Tuesday October 25!!!! Such a big girl!!!!

We have not been back to Houston to have your cyst checked. We will be calling the doctor soon to have you checked again; but, it will probably not be for another month.

Chrissly eating sweet potatoes (her first solid food besides rice)

First Halloween Costume

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chrissly's 4 month Birthday!!!

Chrissly at 4 months --- September 23, 2011

* Weight: 11 Pounds 15 ounces
* Length: 24 inches
* You wear Size 1 diapers
* You wear 3-6 months clothes...You are a very LOOOOOONG baby :) You wear some things that say 6 months on them because you are so long :)
* You sleep best on your Boppy in your crib. We prop you up on your Boppy so that you are not laying down flat. You still have trouble spitting up if you are laying flat. However, even though you start propped up on your Boppy, you wiggle and squirm throughout the night and end up flat on your back by the morning time (usually with your arms up by your head.)
* You eat about every 2 hours.
* You usually eat 5-6.5 oz.
* You started eating solids this month!!!! We started you on rice cereal. You eat it, but have problems keeping it in your mouth.
* You do not like to sleep swaddled anymore. If someone tries to swaddle you, you scream until you can get loose.
* You still love to kick the covers off, so we have to make you sleep in pajamas that have feeties so that your arms and legs don't get cold.
* You have night and day all figured out
* You will usually sleep for 8-12 hours every night
* During the day you don't take many naps (like other babies Mommy has worked with) but, Dr. Tomlin said not to worry...that you would get the sleep you need one way or another, and that because you were sleeping so long at night you might not need as long of naps.
* Mommy is working full time and wants to stay home with you badly!!! She misses all her cuddle time with you!!!!
* You hold your head up now, and can sit in your Bumbo all by yourself!!!

You were baptized on September 11, 2011. We are so proud of you and pray that you will walk with the Lord daily and let him guide your life.

We got wonderful news this month!!!! Your cyst had gotten larger and we thought that surgery was inevitable; however, the sonogram they did this month found that your cyst had gotten smaller!!!!!!!! It was down to 2.7 cm...smaller than even when you were born!!! We were elated!!! They were not going to have to do surgery on my little girl :) The doctor is still monitoring the cyst (we go back in 8-12 weeks for another sonogram) but the outlook is good! We are so happy!!!!!

Chrissly's first Cowboy's Game

Chillin' with Em

At school with Mommy for Meet the Teacher

Being silly while Daddy is changing me

Such a pretty girl :)

Waking up at Mimi's

Holding your rattle for the first time

Mommy and Daddy's Lil' Aggie

Hanging out with Em after your doctor's appointment

Hanging out after your baptism

4 month picture

First Tiger football game

2nd round of shots

Hanging with Aunt Lara at the football game

Eating my first solids

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chrissly's 3 month Birthday!!!

Chrissly at 3 months --- August 23, 2011

* Weight: Not sure...we didn't go to the doctor this month
* Length: Again, not sure
* You wear Size 1 diapers
* You wear 0-3 months clothes...You are getting close to outgrowing the 0-3 month clothing; but not because you are chubby or anything, it is because you are so long
(When we went to the doctor last month you were only in the 4th percentile according to height and weight. I asked Dr. Tomlin if we should be concerned because that number seemed very low; but she said she was not worried. She said that you were a very long and skinny baby, but that you had gained the right amount of weight between appointments)
* You sleep best in your bouncer in your crib. If we lay you down flat, you spit up, so we found it's best to prop you up a little.
* You eat about every 3 hours, although sometime you start "cluster feedings" and want to eat every hour or two.
* You usually eat 4-5.5 oz.
* You love to sleep swaddled, but still get upset if your arms are swaddled and still twist and turn and wiggle until you get them free.
* You love to kick the covers off, so we have to make sure we have them tucked in really well.
* You have night and day all figured out
* You will usually sleep for 8 hours every night though
* Mommy just started work the past two weeks, so now you are going to Mimi's during the day.
* Mommy misses you immensely during the day, but knows you are in good hands.
* You are getting pretty good at holding your head up now, and are working on sitting up on your own! My big girl!!!

Chrissly at 3 months!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chrissly's 2 Month Birthday!!!!

Chrissly at 2 months  ---  July 23, 2011

* Weight: 9 lbs. 8 oz.
* Length: 22.5 inches
* You wear newborn diapers
* You wear  0-3 months clothes...you only fit in the medium to small outfits
* You sleep best in your swing; but, we are trying to transition you to your crib so we have you sleeping in your bouncer in your crib
* You eat about every 4 hours, although sometime you start "cluster feedings" and want to eat every hour or two.
* You usually eat 3.5 oz.
* You sleep in your swing best, but we are starting to transition you to your crib
* We were laying you flat in your crib, but you would spit up so now you are sleeping in your bouncer in your crib
* You eat about every 4 hours, although sometime you start "cluster feedings" and want to eat every hour or two.
* You love to sleep swaddled, but still get upset if your arms are swaddled and still twist and turn and wiggle until you get them free.
* You still get a little mixed up about night and day
* You will usually sleep for 8 hours every night though
* You still do not like tummy time. When Mommy lays you on your stomach, you usually start to cry, but sometimes will fall asleep.
* You are getting good at holding your head up now

Jackson & Chrissly

Shopping at Best Buy!

Donuts!!!!! :)  
It was SO great to see Spencer, Jackie, and Michael!!!

I got to write Chrissly's name on the registration at church!!!

Dean & Miss Chris

Her first shots :(

First Smiles!!!! :)  You smiled for the first time on July 25, 2011.

Your first visit to the vet with your sister Chloe :)
August 2, 2010