About Us

Hi! We are The Garcia Family!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chrissly is 3 weeks old today!!!

I was a little upset because I didn't understand why Mom wouldn't give me my pacifier. :)

Now I have my paci, and I am O.K. :)

        So, the past month has been quite a ride - with some definite highs and some definite lows!!!  We knew starting from mid-May until the beginning of June it would be eventful, but we did not know how eventful!
         (May 15) Starting off, Gabriel finished up his undergrad and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Texas A&M with a degree in Agricultural Economics.
         (May 17) Gabriel's family threw him and his sister, Esmerelda, a graduation party. His Mom is so proud!  She had Esmi graduate from high school and Gabe from A&M.  I loved watching her smile and how proud she was of the two of them.
         (May 22) Gabriel and I celebrated our 1st anniversary.  We've been married a year - it's honestly hard to believe.  Time flies!!! :)
         (May 23) I was induced at The Med in College Station.  We went in at 5 that morning and I had Chrissly at 1:32 that afternoon.  Now, if the ride had stopped there...I think we would have been ok with that! :)  But, it did not!
         While in the hospital the neonatalogist did a sonogram of Chrissly's belly and could not figure out where she felt the cyst was coming from.  She felt the best course of action was to send Chrissly to a bigger hospital.  Therefore,...
         (May 25) We were transported via ambulance to the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston.  Along with the concern over the cyst, Chrissly struggled with jaundice and was placed under the bilirubin light.  We spent the next 5 days by her side, only leaving to sleep, eat, and shower or go to the bathroom.
         (May 29) We were finally discharged from the Children's Hospital and made the trek home.  This was a very emotional time for me.  I felt so blessed that we were leaving with our beautiful baby girl.  But, (this might sound odd - if so, I apologize...I was hormonal!) I was sad because I felt like I had already missed out on a week of my daughter's life.  I had "plans" for what we would do when we came home from the hospital...the hospital here in College Station two days after I delivered, not Houston a week after I had delivered.  :)  You know, one of my favorite sayings is this:  "If you wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans...go ahead!  You'll give Him a good chuckle." :)  I forgot that saying during that time.  I remember it well now! :) 
        (June 3) We knew the air conditioner in our Xterra was broken, but we had been told earlier that it just needed freon.  We took it to the shop to have them make sure of what it needed to be fixed.  We were called later that day and told that it was worse than we thought...MUCH WORSE!!!  The compressor, along with much more, had gone out and it would cost $1300 in order to get it fixed.  We have already poured over $500 into this car this year, and now we were being asked to put another $1300 into it.  Now, under normal circumstances we would not fix the a/c.  However, we didn't want to drive our newborn baby around in 100 degree weather without a/c.  So, really our only choice is to get it fixed.

       Long story short...we have been on quite a ride.  Once that I think we are ready to sit back and relax on for a while.  We would like to just sit and enjoy our baby girl for a while :)  Through it all I had to keep my favorite verse in mind:

     "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  Plans to prosper and keep you.  Plans to give you hope and a future."  - Jeremiah 29:11

        This verse was read at our wedding and helped me get through the tough past couple weeks. 

This is what she does with her lips when she does not want anymore to eat :)

Cuddling with Mommy!!!

Chloe begging for food...not a good habit, but she is so cute!


I am not, nor do I claim to be and English major.  English was my worse subject in school.  Therefore, I apologize if there are spelling or grammatical errors!  I'm just writing for the fun of it!!!  A little diary that hopefully Chrissly and I can look back on one day and smile :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!!! Right???

She did this all on her own!!!  We are so proud!!! :)

Today is a big day!  Em's (what Chrissly calls or will call my Dad) birthday is today!  He is still in Alabama working on the tornado stuff; so we called him to wish him a "Happy Birthday."  Not only that, by Chrissly's sister Chloe's (our dog) birthday is today.  Chloe has kinda gotten the shaft because Mommy (that would be me :D) has been sick....Poor Chloeies!!!!  We will make it up to her!!!  And finally, today is Chrissly's two week Birthday!  She was supposed to be born yesterday, but instead we are celebrating her two week birthday today! :)  Yea!!!

        She had her two week pediatrician appointment today.  She is doing very well.  She is 19.5 inches, which measures in the 25th percentile.  She weighs 7 lbs 3 oz.  Which is in the 25th percentile.  And, her head is 35.3 cm, which is in the 50th percentile for her age :)  I don't know where she gets her big head from! :)  I'm gonna say Daddy :P  The pediatrician said she was pleased with her development and that she seems to be doing well.  I will feel better when we can get rid of the bit of diaper rash she has; but, the pedi says that that is normal because she is going to the bathroom so often.  (We are changing diapers at least every two hours, if not more often)  Sometimes we will change the diaper, and then get to change another one right after because she doesn't like clean diapers I don't think :)  jk

      On a different note, I kinda had a sad moment today.  I have been struggling with fever for almost two weeks.  The nurse listened to my symptoms over the phone and said that I probably have mastitis.  She prescribed me some meds, which I have been taking for 7 days now.  Sadly, I still have all the symptoms...the main one being flu-like symptoms that make it really hard for me to get out of bed and change her diaper, feed her, etc.  My fever has gotten up to almost 102 today; so, finally I am going IN to see the Dr. tomorrow.  Mimi (My Mom) came and took Chrissly for the afternoon because my fever is so high and I need to sleep and get rest.  Now, while Mimi is in hog heaven...Mommy feels guilty and feels like she can't take care of her child :(  I know I need to stop, but...I just want so badly to be able to do everything I know I should be able to by now.  We have been home for a week...I should be able to change her diaper, pump, feed her, etc. all without feeling like I have just been hit over the head with a club and without having major fever chills!!!   I know there has to be a time when I can do all that without feeling sick all the time, but that has not been the case so far :(  Hopefully, this will improve after my appointment tomorrow!!!

Chloe playing in her pool :)

First Wings N' More Trip!  
Daddy can't wait to take her on Wednesday nights when she is old enough, for Kids Eat Free nights :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

All thumbs

It has been a few days since I have been able to post.  Gabriel and I have been "all thumbs" as far as finding our routine here at home.  We are so glad to be home; but, it was easier in the hospital where there was someone watching her 24/7 and could tell us what she needed.  We are learning what each little cry or whimper means and are getting quicker at responding.

Chrissly has been "all thumbs" also.  :)  Even before we left the labor and delivery room on the day she was born she found her thumb and began sucking on it.  As you can see from the pictures, the tradition continues! :)  We did give her a pacifier at the hospital because we were able to use it to keep her calm and give her medicine a couple times.  We would dip the paci in the medicine and then let her suck on it.  During the sonograms where they were constantly poking and prodding her, it kept her calm to have it in her mouth, and kept her blood sugar level up.  We still give her a paci now, but even if we don't....somehow she usually finds her thumb. :)

We had our first pediatrician appointment yesterday.  She weighs 6 lbs. 13 ounces.   (She should be 7 lbs. 2 ounces by next week...)  She was 19 inches at birth, and now she is 19.5 inches.  When we left the hospital in Houston, her bilirubin level was 11.1, yesterday it was 10.  It is still going down!!!  Yea!!!  Long story short, she is doing wonderfully! The pediatrician was "impressed" with how well she is doing :)  She said we just need to keep doing what we are doing :D

Dressed for our first outing

Shopping at Target - Then to a Birthday Party

 My First Photo Shoot