We have an appointment June 29 with a radiologist here at the Children's Hospital to do an ultrasound and look at her cyst again. Hopefully, the cyst will have gotten smaller by then, which will indicate that it is destroying itself. If not, then the next course of action will be discussed. However, at this point there is really nothing that can be done for the cyst besides surgery to remove it and her cyst is not considered big enough for surgery. (Thank goodness! As I said before, the doctors really think the cyst might be dissolving already.)
So far, the best news yet.................... WE GET TO GO HOME TODAY!!!!!! Mimi (my mom) is on the way to come pick us up right now!!! We have her car seat ready, and are ready to head back home! Finally, Chrissly and Chloe will be able to meet!!! I cannot wait for my little one to meet her big sister (Chloe).
Thank you again for all the words of encouragement, prayers, thoughts, etc. This time would have been unbearable if not for you guys!!! I do want to apologize...I had many messages, phone calls, texts, etc. asking about us. Many times I was not able to answer and instead wrote on the blog. I want everyone to know that I am sorry I wasn't able to call you back or text you, etc. But, that things got pretty hectic here and so I was doing good to get the blog out sometimes. Thank you for your patience and understanding!!!!
My First Bath
The Garcia Family
I love the pictures of her first bath!!! She looks like she is being tortured...silly little girl :)