Chrissly's bilirubin levels went up. She has been under the lights for her levels (jaundice) but her levels still went up. They believe that this is because she might be dehydrated. I have been nursing her, and she has been nursing very well. But, right now I am only producing, she is not getting enough fluids. She has not been able to urinate for 12 hours. She has been put on an IV and the hope is that once she gets some fluid in her that she will be able to urinate and flush herself out; therefore, lowering her bilirubin level. Hopefully, this will improve her status and she will get to experience life out side of the bright lights :) after this :) I will post a picture of her in her little lights later, if I get time.
She's a tough little muffin! Thank you for the updates! I love you guys and can't wait to hold her!