Chrissly at 3 months --- August 23, 2011
* Weight: Not sure...we didn't go to the doctor this month
* Length: Again, not sure
* You wear Size 1 diapers
* You wear 0-3 months clothes...You are getting close to outgrowing the 0-3 month clothing; but not because you are chubby or anything, it is because you are so long
(When we went to the doctor last month you were only in the 4th percentile according to height and weight. I asked Dr. Tomlin if we should be concerned because that number seemed very low; but she said she was not worried. She said that you were a very long and skinny baby, but that you had gained the right amount of weight between appointments)
* You sleep best in your bouncer in your crib. If we lay you down flat, you spit up, so we found it's best to prop you up a little.
* You eat about every 3 hours, although sometime you start "cluster feedings" and want to eat every hour or two.
* You usually eat 4-5.5 oz.
* You love to sleep swaddled, but still get upset if your arms are swaddled and still twist and turn and wiggle until you get them free.
* You love to kick the covers off, so we have to make sure we have them tucked in really well.
* You have night and day all figured out
* You will usually sleep for 8 hours every night though
* Mommy just started work the past two weeks, so now you are going to Mimi's during the day.
* Mommy misses you immensely during the day, but knows you are in good hands.
* You are getting pretty good at holding your head up now, and are working on sitting up on your own! My big girl!!!
Chrissly at 3 months!!!
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