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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chrissly's One Month Birthday!!!

It has been a long time since I have been on here.  I definitely lost track of time, and I wasn't sure if this was read all that often.  But, I have had people asking about this, so I need to get back on top of it!!! :)

I got this idea from my friend Neta :)  It's a great way to keep track of Chrissly's growth

Chrissly at 1 month  ---  June 23, 2011

* Weight: Not sure exactly (we didn't go to the doctor this month) but I think over 8 pounds
* Length: Not sure exactly about this either, but you must be around 20 inches or so
* You wear newborn diapers
* You wear newborn or 0-3 months clothes...but, if the clothes are 0-3 months you only fit in the smaller ones
* You sleep in your swing best, but will also sleep cuddled up with Mommy or in your Boppy while Mommy is nearby
* You eat about every 4 hours, although sometime you start "cluster feedings" and want to eat every hour or two.
* You love to sleep swaddled, but get upset if your arms are swaddled and lay there and twist and turn and wiggle until you get them free.
* You love to stretch and keep your hands close to or on your face.
* You figured out the difference between night and day pretty quickly.  But, sometimes still get a little mixed up and will go to bed around midnight.
* You will usually sleep for 8 hours every night though
* When we burp you we pat on your back and sometime you will pat our arms at the same time we are patting your back. :)
* You do not like tummy time.  When Mommy lays you on your stomach, you usually start to cry, but sometimes will fall asleep
One Month Old

Cuddling with Mommy

Riding in the Car

Chrissly and Great Grandma Dora

Chrissly and Chloe

Daddy feeding Chrissly

Just a'swinging! :)

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